Q: Is there such thing as a micropenis, if so what is it?
A: We all know that men are concerned with their penis size. So if we hear the term micro penis this brings up some scary thoughts. Many men judge the size of their penis because they are viewing it from above. This leads to men believing they have a smaller than normal penis, when actually they have a normal sized penis. The average erect penis size is 6 inches. Micropenis, also known as microphallus, is a penis that is 2.5 standard deviations below the mean (average) for the age and race of the person. In adults this works out to be smaller than 2.8 inches in length erect. Statistically, this only happens to 0.6% of the population.
The cause is thought to have to do with hormones especially with inadequate testosterone in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If this condition is caught at birth then some treatments are possible. Testosterone treatment may be tried or surgical reconstruction with hormone treatment. These are just a couple of options.
Many times the question we get is, “Can someone with a micropenis have a normal sex life?” The answer is yes they can. Remember the definition of sex is wide and what may be satisfying for one person may not be satisfying for another. It boils down to what you and your partner define as satisfying sex.
Hope this helps!
Posted in: Sex Questions