Q: Why am I having problems getting and keeping erections?
A: There are many possible reasons why you are having problems getting and keeping erections. It’s important to find out the cause of the problem so you can find the right solution. And there are many solutions! First, we suggest you talk to your doctor since there are a number of medical conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction (ED) such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and low testosterone (just to name a few). Also, your doctor can also make sure that this is not a signal of other health problems. For example, in a recent study, they found that ED may signal heart disease. You can read the article here. Also, certain medication side effects, smoking and excessive alcohol use can cause erectile dysfunction.
Once your doctor rules out any medical causes or health conditions, then we suggest you seek out a sex therapist. There are many psychological factors that can cause ED such as stress, worries, performance anxiety, depression and relationship issues. The bottom line: if you have problems getting or keeping an erection, see you doctor and a sex therapist, if needed. Hope this helps!
Posted in: Sex Questions