Q: My husband wants me to watch porn with him. I’m ok doing that but I don’t like the movies that he likes to watch. What can we do?
A: Research, research, and research! Some women do not like the same type of pornographic movies that men do. Today thankfully, there are so many different types of pornographic and erotic movies that you and your husband can explore. There are female-friendly pornographic movies that will hold your attention (with great plots!) as well as keep him interested.
So, our suggestion would be to research and explore different websites together to find the right type of movie for the both of you. Here is a list to help you get started:
Better Sex: http://www.bettersex.com/adult-movies/couples-adult-movies-c-301.aspx?l=tn_am
Candida Royalle: http://candidaroyalle.com/femme-catalogue/
Anna Span: http://www.pornmoviesforwomen.com/annaspan.html
Astrid Glitter: http://www.glitterfilms.com/main.php?b=about
You can also check out the Periodic Table of Feminist Porn to get a list of non-traditional feminist porn. Hope this helps!
Posted in: Sex Questions