Just came across the post by Betty Dodson: All Women can Orgasm if Clitoris & Erectile Tissue are Effectively Stimulated. It discusses another study that confirms that the clitoris is the source of female orgasm. It also discusses how vaginal penetration alone is not enough since most women worldwide do not have vaginal orgasms. This also confirms what we have been hearing from women for years in our private practice. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?
In a recent UCLA study, researchers found that pre-marital doubt, especially among women, predicts less marital satisfaction and higher divorce rates. We totally agree with this study and often see the unfortunate results in our practice. We see some couples that married for all the wrong reasons, had doubts before getting married and, unfortunately, ignored them.
For instance, sometimes they tell us they got married because getting married is what they were supposed to do. Or they married their partner because he/she was the type of person they should marry. Others say they married assuming that their concerns/doubts would eventually just go away or they would one day be okay with something that bothered them in the relationship.
If you are engaged and have doubts or concerns, this doesn’t mean you should end the relationship. Instead, like the researchers suggest, seriously explore and discuss your concerns with your partner. If you need help with this, please feel free to contact us.
University of California – Los Angeles (2012, September 13). Should I marry him? If you’re having doubts, don’t ignore them, psychology study suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 18, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120913173324.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily%2Fmind_brain%2Frelationships+%28ScienceDaily%3A+Mind+%26+Brain+News+–+Relationships%29