This month we received a new product to review by MoodFlag, LLC. Just a reminder, each product is rated, by our testers (2 couples), using The Love Bird’s Feathers Rating Scale™:

“The hotter the product is, the more feathers it will take to cool you off!”
The new product we received is called the Moodsign. On the website it states “Spice Up Your Sex Life”. The Moodsign is a simple, easy to use, discreet and non-verbal device designed to help couples signal and communicate their desire to make love and have sex. So often couples either initiate sex in ways that are not a turn on to their partner such as, “Hey, want to have sex tonight?” or their initiations simply get missed. The Moodsign device helps avoid these problems and makes sexual communication clear, fun, and flirty. It works by each partner, when they are in the mood, simply raising their Moodsign arm. This is done simply by pressing the arm towards the device to release the arm and then moving it into the desired position.
The Moodsign also lights up and has different colors. The colors can be changed by using the buttons in the back of the device. Each button controls the corresponding arm (left/right). Each click cycles through the six available colors. So, each person can choose a color they like to represent their arm or the couple can assign different colors to mean different activities. For example, blue might mean taking a nice, long bath, green might mean an erotic massage and purple could mean a romantic evening together. And when one person wants to do one of those activities, they simply, again, raise their Moodsign arm and change the color to signal their desire of that activity to their partner. Or they can choose a random color by simply holding the color selection button for more than three seconds. It takes the guess work and mind reading out of initiating sex and sexual activities.
The Moodsign device can be used alone or with The Moodsign card game. The game is a great way for couples to add some novelty and newness into their sex life. The game comes with 48 cards: thirty cards are Erotic Fantasy Cards, six are Quid Pro Quo Cards and twelve are Personalized Cards. The Erotic Fantasy Cards offer lots of different fantasy-based sexual activities to try out. Quid Pro Quo means getting something of value in return for giving something of value. So theses cards, according to the Moodsign website, can be used to “address frustrations in a playful way”. The Personalized Cards can be written on so that each partner can add their own secret sexual fantasy activities to the game. All of the 48 cards have different colors, so one way to play the game is to have each partner select 6 cards (one of each color) that they would like to try. One partner uses the Moodsign to randomly select a color and picks a card of that color. After you play out that activity, you switch!
The Moodsign device and card game come with great directions and lots suggestions on different ways to use both. The Moodsign does not require batteries for basic operation. Simply raise or lower the arms to signal your mood. However, the light, which helps enhance the effect, requires three AAA batteries which are not included. The light is needed to play the Moodsign card game. The Moodsign can stay constantly lit up at minimum 2.5 days with one arm at full intensity, and more than 10 days at low intensity.
The Moodsign device is $29.99 and the Moodsign card game is $14.99. Both can be purchased together for $39.99.
So, how did our testers rate the Moodsign device and card game?? Watch the video below to find out!
FTC Disclosure: We received three of the products mentioned above free from MoodFlag, LLC. We then give our two tester couples the products for free in exchange for their honest reviews. The reviews of the products are based on the personal opinions of the two tester couples that reviewed the products for free. We will never misrepresent products or publish a false review. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Guidelines, CFR, Part 255.