This month, as CalExotics Expert Sexperts, we were sent another great product to review. Just a reminder, each product is rated, by our testers (2 couples), using The Love Bird’s Feathers Rating Scale™:


“The hotter the product is, the more feathers it will take to cool you off!”
The new product we received is called the Pillow Talk™ Card Game. Looking to have more intimate conversations with your partner? Are you stuck in a sexual rut? Here’s a fun game that will set the scene and get the foreplay started! Ignite your sex life with this sexy and simple game of loving communication. The Pillow Talk™ card game includes 2 decks of cards and a rule book. The Pillow Talk™ playing cards are a standard 52 card deck and the other deck is called the Let’s Pillow Talk which are the reward cards. Some of the reward cards are cards to get you talking to your partner, some are to give you fun sexual actions to perform.
The object of the Pillow Talk™ card game is to help encourage you and your partner open up to each other about your sexual needs, wants and desires in a fun and non-threatening way. “If you feel like your once hot and steamy love life has cooled down or hit a wall, now is the time to rekindle the fire!” The good news is there is really little skill required to play this game! It gives you both a chance to experiment and figure out what you both want from your sex life.
The rule book is very easy to follow and, like previously stated, the game is very simple to play. It states in the rule book that the game should never really end and to think of this game as “mental foreplay” for getting physically excited. Pillow Talk™ is merely the starting point for some possibly life-changing sexual encounters for you and your partner. So, make a little time for some Pillow Talk™!
We found the price of the Pillow Talk™ card game online for under $10.00. So, how did our testers rate the Pillow Talk™ card game? Watch the video below to find out!
*** FTC Disclosure: We are paid CalExotics’ Expert Sexperts. However, we received three of the products mentioned above free from CalExotics. We then give our two tester couples the products for free in exchange for their honest reviews. The reviews of the products are based on the personal opinions of the two tester couples that reviewed the products for free. We will never misrepresent products or publish a false review. We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Guidelines, CFR, Part 255.